Notcoin, HOT and everything. Telegram mining news. Part 1.

Ilya Ermilov
15 min readJun 11, 2024


Hi, friends!

It’s been a long time since I’ve written any news about my projects, so it’s time to make up for it. Especially since there are a lot of interesting changes and it’s time to announce them at last.

And let’s start with the king of clickers, Notcoin.


Notcoin entered the market quite loudly, virtually all top exchanges announced their participation in pools at the launch. The result is corresponding — the price of NOT has grown from less than 1 cent to 2 cents per NOT token. That is, the price of a simple voucher (for 10,000,000 NOTs, later denominated to 10,000,000 NOTs) is now about $200. That’s a great result!

But things are not so smooth in the NOT application.

In addition to the usual lags and bugs, there is one rather unpleasant feature.

In the new version of the application, we can earn NOTs by performing tasks in the familiar Community bot. The developers of Notcoin have recently been raving about how well the mining works and how much income you can get. With only one BUT. All this works well for Gold and Platinum ranks. For which you had to block your balance (from 100,000 NOT) when launching the token in the Notcoin app. If you blocked less than that, or withdrew funds (or even decided to break in just now), I have bad news. At the rank of silver and even more so bronze, just a incredibly few of tokens are mined. From 8+ pools I have not managed to get even 1 NOT.

In fact, the developers have made the rich owners of a large number of tokens even richer and covered the entrance for new users. It’s good to know that this is still a beta app and things can change. Just in case if anyone still doesn’t have the Notcoin app, I leave a link:



HOT has had a lot of news in the past few days. These include the release of memtokens on its platform, and NFT collections, and tokens for NFT collections….
But I consider the most important news to be the move to multichain, once the Base network is connected.

Why is this important? Very simple, after connecting third-party networks (initially HOT was in the NEAR network), it will be possible to use the currencies of these networks, and the developers promise to pay the commission in HOT tokens. And it’s no longer memtokens or NFTs, it’s a real-world scenario of using the app and its token.

Instead of holding different networks’ native currencies in wallets to pay for gas, it will be possible to use a universal one (HOT) and not worry about the others. All in all, I’ll be watching the added networks very closely and now I’m not so sure about my desire to “sell the tokens as soon as they go public”. HOT could really go up in price, and a lot.

It’s a bit late to get in for mining now, but I’ll leave a link for those interested.



I haven’t written anything about MomoAI since their not-so-great decision to sell top Airdrop spots for real money (aka selling nodes), but there’s a news that has rehabilitated them a bit in my eyes.

MomoAI team has launched a mini-game inside the application, where you can get a part of Airdrop, which is not included in the main volume, without being tied to previous merits.

That is, even those who are late to the main action can still get a bunch of tokens, maybe even a pretty good one.

The mini-game is simple as hell. Once a day you can get a free hammer, 4 more for check-ins in the TON wallet (a very small amount is withdrawn for the commission) and 1 for an invited friend.

Then just use these hammers, do damage to the monster coconut and look at the numbers. The ratio of our damage to global damage is the percentage of the allocated tokens that we will receive.

The distribution itself is promised at the end of June.

The link for those who want to try.

Invite code — 2B4QH4

Pixel Wallet

The Pixel Wallet app also has a lot of changes, all of them extremely pleasant.

For starters, they rebalanced the mining of the PXL token and now it can be mined much faster. Plus, the mining speed improvement now actually has no ceiling and is the cheapest upgrade.

This is offset by the warehouse, which now works on quantity rather than time. That is, you can theoretically ramp up mining to 1 PXL per hour, but the warehouse will fill up in the same hour. For real maniacs (in a good way) this is not a hindrance, but it is a bit annoying.

Additionally, this is all ramped up with the new NFTs and inventory.

NFTs are extremely useful and have a very big impact on gameplay.

This screenshot shows one of the most useful and not the rarest NFTs, designed for solo mining, i.e. without inviting friends. It boosts mining by 27%, but reduces the referral warehouse (yes, now the income from referrals goes to a separate warehouse, which also needs to be improved), which the solo player does not use anyway.

In general, with NFT you can create specialized builds, depending on your playstyle. Online all the time? Collect all the NFTs for mining speed, the warehouse is not important. Lots of friends? Look for ones that improve referral stock. Seldom online? You need NFTs that increase the regular warehouse, even if with a small decrease in mining.

Also, Pixel Wallet has a major partnership with the Swisstronik blockchain. It’s an EVM-compliant Layer-1 solution, currently in the test network phase. And in order to test transactions and also, to distribute native tokens, a mining event will be launched together with Pixel Wallet. In fact, we will be mining native tokens of a new blockchain that may well become popular. And I have a fondness for such tokens ever since the unrealistically huge Airdrop from Arbitrum.

The event will last only a month, after which Swisstronik will be released as a mainnet and its token will be listed on the exchange. A pool of SWTR tokens worth $100,000 at the presale price has been allocated for the event. That is, it could be worth more, possibly many times more, on the listing. So I highly recommend not missing out on Pixel Wallet and getting connected to it if you haven’t already.

Additionally, Swisstronik has their own Airdrop campaign going on as well, and if you want to maximize the possible rewards, you can look into raising your own validator node. If this topic is interesting, write in the comments, I’ll try to make a full-fledged guide one of these days.

Mining tokens in Pixel Wallet requires paying a commission in SGB tokens, but there are two bots working right now that give out the right amount of tokens for free in a couple of simple steps.

The first bot

Second bot

Link to Pixel Wallet itself

Hamster Kombat

Probably the most massive clicker + autofarm, which has overtaken (according to the developers) even Notcoin, is now preparing for Airdrop’s distribution.

In the application there is an opportunity to connect a TON wallet (not everyone has it yet), and among the cards there is a hint of the launch of the token pre-market.

Since the pre-market is usually launched 2–3 weeks before the launch of the main trades, now is the last opportunity to break into the carriage of this train. Don’t expect huge sums, as Hamster Kombat is still not doing well with tokenomics and, in general, with transparency of processes, but it can be a shame to just miss out.

Link if anyone hasn’t gotten hooked yet.


But Catizen, which until now were steadily gaining audience and claiming to be the top Play-To-Airdrop project, has released a very strange update.

In a nutshell — they launched a wheel of fortune with the distribution of a new token xZEN, which will affect the final Airdrop. But here are the mechanics of this wheel…

For starters, it is intentionally scripted in the beginning, that is, it works according to one scenario — it gives you a certain amount of money, and then starts reducing the amount you get to almost zero. You can get additional scrolls, but for this you need someone else to follow your referral link (even if he has been playing for a long time) and click on the help button. At the same time, you can only help three people in this way.

Very inconvenient. A marketing solution of the level of donation-driven mobile toys. Plus I don’t really understand how to get these tokens for those who play alone. The only thing that came to mind is the exchange of help. I suggest you post your Catizen links in the comments, clicking other links (and mine, if you don’t mind). I hope this will help at least someone get tokens. Write links in the comments, click on other people’s links and put reactions to those already clicked. That way newbies can see who else needs help.

My link to Catizen.

Cyber Finance

After converting the clicker into an autofarm, Cyber Finance is steadily gaining users and preparing to distribute their own xCFI tokens.

During this time, they have changed the concept of their application (not autofarm) from a purely trading application to a universal one.

They promise fast bridges between different blockchains with a single payment, a common balance independent of the network and other goodies. I’m watching very closely.

Also, they have launched an ambassadors program, in which anyone can participate. It is held on the already known to us platform Zealy, so I advise those who want to participate.

Link to the autofarm

Link to the Ambassador Program


Timecoin autofarm has opened a pre-market for premium users. Soon it will be opened for everyone, and you can also buy ads for Timecoin.

It seems like good news, but the volume of the above mentioned marketplace is extremely depressing. Now it already has more than 100,000 lots, with a little more than a thousand sold. With the opening of general access the picture will change to an even sadder one. Personally, I was not able to sell anything there, most likely because of the strictly established pricing policy. The developers have set the minimum price for 1 Timecoin at 0.01 TON, which made it unprofitable to buy advertising for Timecoin. For a smaller amount you can order advertising for a larger audience from Notcoin, or from other projects that have not yet been released.

We are waiting for a normal listing, but personally I am skeptical, alas.


BullRun autofarm is also actively recruiting users. The time of Airdrop has not been determined yet, which means there is a possibility to catch the last carriage.

The developers have recently been actively engaged in contests, new partnerships and improving the stability of the application.

Among the interesting partnerships we can mention the Tier-1 project Catizen, as well as a rather interesting autofarm application Iceberg, with far-reaching plans. We are waiting and hoping.


Tap Fantasy TON

MMORPG Tap Fantasy has launched its third season. Since this is actually the only MMORPG that works directly in Telegram, and even with the opportunity to earn money (spoiler: who wants to get some money without any investment at all, go to the start of the season, pump and break things of level 15+ for shards, they sell very well), then I could not not mention it here.

Those who want to seriously go in, with the purpose of earning, also have a little advice. Buy things that are saved when the seasons change — NFT heroes, inscriptions-amplifiers and so on. Yes, for the top and VERY good earnings, you will still have to buy the same shards of 15+ things, but if you are not raring to go to the top, you can do without them.


Harvest Moon

After a long period of silence, Harvest Moon is back with a great update.

They have added player levels (to get the maximum second level you need to set a password on your wallet, save Seed and one-time deposit 3 NEAR on it. After getting a level you can withdraw them safely), getting high-level contracts (give you the opportunity to hire Tinker’s earning more), improving the warehouse and much more. A release is expected soon. All beta-test participants are promised to get some goodies, so I advise you to go now if you haven’t already.

Minus of the update — free Claim is now only one per day, and NEAR tokens are spent on the rest. In principle, the problem is solved in the same way as with HOT — just throw 0.5$ in Near on HOT and on Harvest Moon, which is sold on virtually any exchange.


That’s all for today with the news of old projects, further I will briefly tell about some novelties and will prepare the next part of the news. Don’t disappear)


Empire’s Battle

New clicker + autofarm + much more (if you believe the developers). There is a system of improvements, levels, different heroes (one is available for now). Since all this is gradually being implemented, it may be worth a closer look.

Minus — at the start requires a very decent amount of time, or customized autoclicker.



Clicker + autofarm from the exchange CEX IO. They promise to give out their participant tokens. A lot of time does not take because of the limited number of clicks. Pick up tokens from autofarm can be every 4 hours, there are also decent tasks for which give pretty good.


Wigwam Drum Game

Full analog of the previous clicker, only from the wallet developer Wigwam. They willingly advertise each other with the previous project. The principle of the clicker does not differ in any way.



Clicker from a jewelry boutique. They promise rewards in parts (shards) of diamonds and NFT. Quite interesting mechanics, once in 8 hours you can turn on the ability to click on a diamond for 6 seconds. Accordingly, hello autoclicker set to max speed. I’m skeptical about diamond rewards, but this clicker will probably be able to give something.




Autofarm with PVP elements (!) and interesting mechanics of improvements.
Spin to get random improvements in balance, attack, defense, speed mining, or call a duel, which can win or lose (in accordance with the parameters of attack and defense). If you win, you get currency, if you lose, you lose. The duel can be abandoned.
At the first launch, I advise you to first complete all tasks and only then spin.



Extremely simple autofarm from a developer promising to make a universal work environment (office + business tools in one application).

We just pick up coins every 6 hours. There are no improvements, there are a few tasks.


Seed App

HOT clone, very active. Constantly mini-games, contests, prizes for every sneeze. Judging by the pressure, are going to really compete with the HOT.


Cell Wallet

A slightly less active clone of HOT. Less contests and other things, but the developers promise to release their blockchain, where this wallet will be actively used. Since native blockchain tokens are very useful in any case, I advise you to take a closer look.



A promising autofarm from Pixelverse. For internal currency buy bots, improve them, the higher the level — the higher the income once every 8 hours.

Additionally, you can click on other people’s bots in PVP, but I did not notice any special bonus for income from this activity. The project is now very active PR.


Unique projects

Zargates Retrodrop

At the moment, it’s a Tower Defense game with Play-To-Airdrop mechanics bolted on. Once a day you can try to go as far as possible in one of the maps, building towers and trying not to miss the green-skinned hordes. The farther you go, the more points you get. For a certain amount of points you can buy Airdrop tickets. More tickets — more reward.

I can say that the levels are not simple at all, the balance was obviously thought over, so you won’t be able to get the maximum at once. The developers promise more games and in general, the development of this system. Very much waiting and hope.


GH Arena

A very cool project released by the Game Hunters team, who held an airdrop of their token in May. The airdrop had an unexpected mechanics — more tokens were given to more active users of the Steam gaming platform.

Technically everything was done as well as possible, so I was waiting for the game from the developers quite actively.

According to the game mechanics — it is a simple camping fighting game, like “Fight Club”, which was unrealistically popular in its time.

Now the project is at an early stage, only simple fights are available, but soon it is expected to have a store of things, and pumping and withdrawal of funds from the application.

GH token is already trading well, so the project is very interesting. As a strong team, as well as the idea.




So far, this is the only Telegram Airdrop that I can recommend with confidence.

For starters, the token that is distributed here will be the main currency in the future game, which is already good, as memtokens without use cases are doomed from birth.

Further, this is the only airdrop where you can get regular tokens without referrals, just complete simple missions after launching the bot, and buy one of the three chests. Chests are bought for the same token as in the missions, so the wallet is not threatened. And then just click on the chest once a day and get tokens.


Paid projects

Age of Farm TON

A very good paid farming game from the creators who are close friends with the creator of Farm World, currently the longest-lived game of this format.

The principle is very simple — get tools (we craft by buying resources for TON, or buy ready-made NFT on Getgems), mine resources, sell resources for TON, withdraw TON to your wallet. Or save up for the next level of crafting. Or we wait when we can sell more expensive. Or craft a tool to sell on Getgems. The game is seasonal, which means it should last longer than its analogs.

On the plus side — quite trusted, that is, scam can not fear.


That’s all for today, the next part will be released very soon, there will be a bunch more news and some novelties. Stay tuned!

Projects I participate in (mostly related to mining in telegram and airdrop). There are articles about most of them in my profile.

My Telegram channel with airdrops



Ilya Ermilov

Translator, writer, system administrator, crypto-enthusiast