Full Age of Farm TON (Phase 1) Guide

Ilya Ermilov
11 min readJun 15, 2024


Hello, friends!

This guide is written by request, because many people do not understand the economic model of paid farming app and what they are actually gaining audience and thanks to what they develop (spoiler: thanks to players and constant updates).

And today will be a guide on the simplest and most accessible to enter the game Age of Farm TON. Simple and accessible it is at this stage, thanks to the early launch of the NFT marketplace and the easy to understand economy.

Note: Since entry to the project is paid, I can not fully recommend this game, as, unlike tapaloks, there is always a risk of losing your money. Guide on this particular farming app I do because of the sufficiently trusted developers, and, accordingly, a low probability of scam. Enter only if you are sure, and if the possible risks you are satisfied.

In brief, Age of Farm is a game about mining and selling resources on the market. Thanks to tools, you can mine the three available resources, spend some of the mined resources on repair and restoration, and sell the surplus on the market.

In more complex terms, Age of Farm is an economic game with an inflationary economic model based on a system of mining three basic resources and then selling them on a p2p marketplace.

And now for more details. We will be mining three resources, each of which is vital for the player.

  • Wood — used to repair tools and for crafting.
  • Stone — used to repair tools and for crafting.
  • Food — used to restore energy.

Each resource has its own tool, which has 5 levels of rarity from Common to Legendary. With each level a tool increases the amount of resources, as well as the cost of its repair and energy consumption.

Let’s take the simplest Common stone axe as an example.

According to the description we see that this axe mines 5 units of wood per hour, spends 3 energy and 1 durability. The repair cost per unit is 1 wood and 2 stone, and the crafting cost is 500 wood and 670 stone.

If we have only one such axe and nothing else, we mine the wood, spend some of it on repairs, and put the rest on the market to buy the missing stone for repairs and food to restore energy.

Accordingly, another person (such as the owner of the pickaxe) will put the stone out, buying wood and food.

There are 6 tool slots available per account, which can be used however you want. Want to be the best lumberjack? Use all slots for axes, sell wood, and buy everything else on the market.

Do you want to be self-sufficient and not depend on the market? Take different tools, I will describe this strategy in a bit more detail below.

There is already a calculator for the game, so you can follow the profitability of each tool and the dynamics of resource prices.

Spending resources

As you understand, repair costs are not the only thing you can spend your resources on, otherwise the game’s lifespan would be quite short.

The second thing that resources are spent on is crafting. When newcomers come to the game, they need to find tools for resource extraction somewhere. Who is going to sell them those tools? You!

And you can craft a ready-made tool and put it on Getgems, or you can just sell the resources on the market, where a new user can buy them and make the necessary pickaxe/ axe/ spear. Which is more profitable? Decide for yourself by analyzing both the price of NFT and the price of resources.
I just remind you that the commissions on Getgems are not small at all, plus a small amount of money is charged for NFT input into the game.
But for a quick start there is nothing better than a quick purchase of NFT.

The third thing you spend resources on is increasing rarity. That is, improving your tools.

As we can see, the screenshot shows the process of upgrading a common stone axe to an improved (uncommon) one. It’s simple. We take a common axe, pour a mountain of resources on top, and get an improved one.

Also, the so-called Blend is available for NFT. It means combining identical tools (you need three of them) and getting a tool of the next rarity type as a result.


An attentive person will immediately notice the main problem of the inflationary model — resource extraction is profitable as long as there are active buyers, i.e. those who need a new tool or who want to improve the existing one.

This is the stumbling block of absolutely all farming, they live as long as there are active users, and, accordingly, consumers. The more high-level tools there are in the game, the more they mine, the more unaffordable becomes the volume of resources on the market and the less a unit of this resource costs.

Different developers solved this problem in different ways. Someone limited the floor — that is, the lower boundary, getting a dead market, because to sell even one lot, in the presence of 100500 of the same, became a problem. And newcomers, seeing these 100500 lots for sale, simply did not enter the game.

In Age of Farm the developers made, in my opinion, the most correct decision.

The game is divided into several eras, each with its own important resources and tools. The old ones are not forgotten either, but they somewhat lose their importance against the background of the newer ones. That is, in order for a conventional regular player to be at a premium, he needs to maximize his tools and stock up before the next epoch comes, in which the price of resources can jump to the moon again, as everyone urgently needs to craft new tools. And even within the same epoch, there are update periods during which something new is introduced.

Therefore, there is always a dilemma — sell resources and withdraw funds now, or spend on improvements, with subsequent accumulation for the next era.

This solution will certainly increase the time of relevance of the game, plus at the start of new eras will be a great time for new players, so personally I think that Age of Farm may well become a long-term project, which, with the ability to balance the sale and accumulation of resources, can bring profit for quite a long time.

At the time of writing this guide, the first era has just launched, even without add-ons, which means that the time to enter is the best.


To shake up the market even more, Age of Farm has a season system. The notional game year (4 weeks of real time) is divided into 4 seasons, each of which has its own peculiarities that affect resource extraction and energy consumption.

For example, in winter, the energy consumption of all tools increases if you don’t have warm clothes. In summer, mining is maxed out, but you’ll also need the right clothes in the Neolithic era (sunstroke is no joke). Spring and Autumn are transitional seasons, allowing you to prepare for the next one.

Naturally, this can’t help but affect the market. By keeping track of the seasons and stocking accordingly, you can increase your profits many times over compared to those who don’t keep track of them. <There should be a joke about changing rubber on a day when the roads are already icy, but the author is not a driver>.


Age of Farm has a full-fledged p2p marketplace. The main currency for buying/selling resources is TON. It can be entered and withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal is possible from 0.1 TON, and a small commission is charged.

Otherwise, everything is very simple. You choose whether you want to buy or sell, enter (or select) the required amount of resources, look at the final amount (or set it) and buy/sell.

I advise you to use a calculator so that you don’t accidentally sell 100 resources for the price of one. And it is considered bad form to put lots of 1 piece of resources, as well as, selling them seriously below the floor, that is, the minimum price at the moment.

Quick Start

Disclaimer: This mini-guide is designed for beginners, it assumes medium returns with minimal risk and the possibility of a quick exit. Also, it is designed for minimal interaction with the market, in fact, only selling excess resources.

So, you’ve decided to jump into Age of Farm at launch and earn a little TON. If you have a limited amount of funds, this guide is definitely for you.

First of all, you need to decide on a strategy. There are only 6 tool slots, so you need to figure out what you should buy. I recommend a balanced build that involves minimal interaction with the market. In fact, you will only need to collect resources, occasionally putting the surplus on the market. You won’t need to look for a cheaper way to buy, you don’t need to keep an eye on price charts. Just mine them and put them on the market.

At first glance, it seems like a build of three different tools is perfect for this, but let’s do the math…..

Axe — mines 18 wood in 4 hours.
Pickaxe — mines 18 stone in 4 hours.
Spear — mines 14.4 food in 4 hours.

Repair costs
Axe — 4 wood 8 stone in 4 hours
Pickaxe — 8 wood 4 stone in 4 hours
Spear — 4 wood 4 stone for 4 hours

Total repair costs:
16 wood 16 stone for 4 hours.

Energy — all tools cost 3 energy per hour.
So for 4 hours we get 4x3x3 = 36 energy.
Spear brings 14.4 food, that is 72 energy.

For 4 hours we get net 2 wood, 2 stone, 7.2 food.

You can increase the income up to 4 trees, 4 stones and 10.8 food if you mine every hour, without exposing mining for 4 hours at once. The thing is that if you mine for 4 hours, the mining is reduced by 10% of the total amount, which results in a 50% cut in stone and wood, due to the high repair cost, which does not change over time.

As we can see, we have an outright surplus of food. You can sell it, of course, or save it for winter, but the following build is much more interesting:

2 Common Stone Axe

2 Common Stone Pickaxe

1 Common Stone Spear

In this case we get the following numbers:

In this case we get the following numbers:

2 Axes — mines 36 wood in 4 hours
2 Pickaxes — mines 36 stone in 4 hours.
Spear — mines 14.4 food in 4 hours

Repair costs:
2 Axes — 8 wood 16 stone in 4 hours
2 Pickaxes — 16 wood 8 stone in 4 hours
Spear — 4 wood 4 stone in 4 hours

Total repair costs:
28 wood 28 stone for 4 hours.

Energy — all tools cost 3 energy per hour.
So for 4 hours we get 4x5x3 = 60 energy.
Spear brings 14.4 food, that is 72 energy.

Total: In 4 hours we get net 8 wood, 8 stone, 2.4 food.

Here again we can take advantage of mining exactly one hour at a time and increase the income to 12 wood, 12 stone and 6 food.

In a day, respectively, we get 48 wood, 48 stone and 14.8 food in case of “lazy” gathering and 72 wood, 72 stone and 36 food in case of gathering every hour.

At the prices at the time of writing this guide, it will be 0.3096 TON per day. At the same time, our tools will always be repaired and energy will be kept at the value of 500. This is important if we suddenly decide to leave the game, mint the tools as NFT (for this you need the tools to be fully repaired and the energy to be more than 500) and sell on the market.

So how much does such a build cost?

We go to Getgems and look at the prices

At the time of writing this guide, the price of the build was around 7–8 TON for the whole set.

Accordingly, the time for which we will recover our costs (at maximum mining) — 8 / 0.3 = 26.6 days. That is, in 27 days we will fully recover the purchase costs and start mining in the plus.

What to do next, whether to buy more tools, improve the existing ones or just fix the profit and exit — it’s up to you. Perhaps, by the time the payback point is reached, the price of NFT-instruments will rise to the sky, perhaps, on the contrary, it will fall. Watch the market and assess the risks.

This guide will help you to be ready for any turn of fate, the rest is up to you.


Age of Farm is a great new farming game with quite trusted developers and a lot of interesting mechanics. At first glance it seems extremely simple, but in fact it has a lot of hidden features.

Of these types of projects, it is the only one that claims to be a long-term game and provides real profit figures (as far as it is possible for inflationary farming models).

I will repeat that I will not give recommendations to enter it, as the risks are absolutely always there. Do your own analysis and only then decide.

The next article will be coming soon, stay tuned!

Projects I participate in (mostly related to mining in telegram and airdrop). There are articles about most of them in my profile.

My Telegram channel with airdrops



Ilya Ermilov

Translator, writer, system administrator, crypto-enthusiast