Farm World Ton — comprehensive guide to the successor to Farmers World (WAX)

Ilya Ermilov
7 min readApr 18, 2024


Hello, friends!

Since there have been so many requests, today I want to post a comprehensive guide to the economic game Farm World Ton. Yes, the game is fully paid and may require serious investments at the start, so I will try to tell you about the tools that will help you reduce your expenses and, accordingly, increase your income. Let’s go!


Those who played Farmers World in the network WAX, will surely be happy that there is actually a successor to this economic game, and in the network TON.

The principle of the game remains the same — create or buy tools, mine resources, sell them (or save them for improved tools), watch the market and make a profit.

There are three resources in the game (four if you count TON)

  • Wood. Needed for crafting and only for crafting
  • Food. Restores energy.
  • Gold. Needed for repairing items and crafting them.

And there are also three types of tools, one for each resource.

Each tool has the following parameters:

  • Cooldown — tool recharge time.
  • Energy Cost — cost of mining in energy
  • Max durability — maximum durability of the item. For each action the durability decreases
  • Durability Cost — durability reduction for each action.
  • Income — income in resource per action

The value of resources changes constantly, responding to supply and demand, as well as to possible manipulations by resource holders. Yes, pump and dump, everything is just like on a cryptocurrency exchange. At the same time, there is no trading commission, which opens up a huge field for manipulation.

The resource market is the key place in the entire game where you’ll be spending the most time, so explore it properly!

You can also follow the prices in the project’s English-language channel and calculator app.

How to start earning?

At this point, tool sales are no longer expected from the developers, so the only way to get them is by crafting.

You can calculate the cost of crafting yourself by analyzing the prices of resources on the internal market, or take from the calculator app.

So, you have some funds and you want to seriously multiply them. How to choose the tools for crafting and what to do next?

If you have a small amount of money to enter, I suggest looking at the initial (one star) bow.

It is the cheapest of the tools, with the fastest payback by far. In just a week and a half, you will fully recoup your investment and start receiving a net income.

Also, its plus point is that it doesn’t use energy to work, which means you won’t have to spend some of your harvested food to regenerate it.

Your actions to get it are extremely simple, you study the cost of resources on the market, deposit the required amount of TON and buy resources.

Next, go to the crafting section and create your own bow.

Congratulations! The bow has been created, now we need to put it on and get our first food.

Go to the first section and add the bow to the appropriate cell for it.

Now at the click of a bow, you’ll be able to run loot (up to 12 hours straight), or repair it if needed.

Attention. Tools that have completely lost durability are not lost, they just can’t mine further.

We get income from the bow immediately, so we can go to the market and sell it, at the same time buying some gold to repair it.

Attention! Watch the market! Selling and buying at different times can be many times more profitable! You can make your own analysis, or use historical data to choose the ideal time to sell and buy resources!

The cost of entry in this case will be about 9 TON (data subject to change)

If you have an average amount of money available to spend, I suggest looking at a bunch of tier 2 tools.

Right now, axes are the longest paid off tool, but that could change at any minute as wood is one of the two key components for crafting.

Why do I recommend a bundle of two instruments rather than just a specific tier 2–3 instrument? Very simple. If you buy a bundle at once, you won’t have to keep an eye on two resources on the market to buy. You will provide your own food, so you will only have to keep an eye on the cost and availability of gold.

Otherwise, the instructions are exactly the same. Only this time you have two tools and you need to keep an eye not only on their repair, but also on your energy level, i.e. don’t sell all the food, but keep some for yourself.

The cost of entry in this case will be ~90 TON.

And finally, if you are a real whale, the following option will suit you.

This is a bunch of level 2 bow and pickaxe.

When using this bundle, you are completely self-sufficient. You get gold in abundance from a pickaxe, and you fully provide yourself with food from a bow.

And if you consider that gold is an ingredient that is used both in crafting and in repairing tools, the demand for your products will always be high and constant.

The cost of entry in this case will be ~215 TON.

Referral program.

For the creators of their own communities, FARM WORLD TON has another good opportunity to earn money — a referral program.

You get 10% of the purchases of resource drops by your referrals, 5% of their production and 3% of the cost of crafting. Additionally, you get 3% of the production and 1% of the crafting of those invited by your referrals.

In general, this allows you to create a huge network where you will receive income constantly and at no cost.

And what’s next?

At the moment, the project has just started, so now is the most favorable time to enter. New players are expected to need tools, which means that the demand for resources will grow.

But the project does not plan to focus only on the mechanics associated with the influx of new players!
The developers plan to create new game tools and mechanics that increase the demand for resources and ensure the development of the project. Perhaps we will see some group content, similar to the squads in Notcoin, or maybe some mechanics related to NFT…

I advise you to follow the developer channel and participate in votes and discussions. The development team appreciates feedback very much, so perhaps it depends on you how the project will look in the future!

Let’s summarize the results. FARM WORLD TON is the real heir to the game Farmers World, which existed on the WAX network. And the expectations from the project are very high. After all, entering such a project at the start can bring a lot.

For those who do not like paid projects, I advise you to read my other articles, which describe completely free projects and airdrops.

Useful links:


ROI calculator

Projects I participate in (mostly related to mining in telegram and airdrop). There are articles about most of them in my profile.

My Telegram channel with airdrops



Ilya Ermilov

Translator, writer, system administrator, crypto-enthusiast