Big Airdrop and new Web3 game — Solland

Ilya Ermilov
5 min readApr 20, 2024


Hello friends!

Today was supposed to be a big article about news in existing projects, but while sifting through information about new products on automatic, I seem to have stumbled upon something more interesting.

Meet the big Airdrop from the Solland project!

Why do I advise you to take a closer look at the project and participate in Airdrop? As practice shows, the first clones of sensational projects launched in other networks have a very good chance of success, and the mining project in the Solana network is just that.

Plus I liked the system of distribution of rewards for Airdrop. 50% — for tasks in Telegram (similar to other Airdrop’s I’ve published), and 50% — for participation in the game test. Moreover, for the test is used dev-network (test, without real funds) Solana.

That is, by participating in this Airdrop, you can learn how to use Solana Wallet (I use Phantom Wallet) and how to use the test network. Since I really like it when people learn something new on the topic of cryptocurrencies, I couldn’t pass by.

And I advise you to try it, even if the results (there will be 1000 winners, among whom Airdrop will be distributed) you won’t get anything. This is a very good experience, plus, a large project will most likely not leave those who actively tested its product with empty pockets. Maybe there will be some in-game bonuses for those who participated in the test, maybe they will give out extra coins, I don’t know. But the chance is very good.

So, Airdrop (and testing of the game) will last until May 21, $200,000 in SLN tokens will be distributed, 4000 SLN per person, which is about $15 at current prices. It’s almost certain that the rate will go up after the game’s release, so it makes sense to hold on and not sell right away. It might be possible to make at least 75$ out of 15$.

What do we need to participate?

  • Phantom Wallet and a Solana address from there.
  • PC. Alas, a phone won’t work as the Solana test network is being used
  • Twitter, Telegram

Install Phantom Wallet, log in to it, set a password and save the Seed-phrase (important point, be sure to do this so you don’t accidentally lose access to the wallet later)

In the main menu, click on the Solana icon and, after navigating, on the Get button.

Here is your Solana address. It will be actively used during the Airdrop, also, it is the address you will receive rewards on.

Save it, we will need it.

Now you can go perform tasks in the Telegram bot

We solve a simple arithmetic problem and move on to the tasks.

They are extremely simple, join tg channels, subscribe to twitter, like, repost, send your twitter account (which is @<your_nickname>)

There is a good video tutorial on how to connect the test network and get test coins on Twitter, don’t miss it. I can’t provide a link, alas, but I do have a picture of the tweet!

After passing all the telegram tasks, you will be offered to register on the game’s website.

Go and register. If you need a referral code (and without it does not let you in, alas), you can use mine: rqa09t7s1l

Go in, watch a cartoon, plug in your wallet.

Now it’s time to switch your wallet to Solana test network mode (Solana dev chain) and get some test coins.

Go to the tweet with the instructions and do everything exactly according to it.

Step 1: Switch to SOL Devnet

In Phantom Wallet → Settings → Developer Settings → Enable Testnet mode

Step 2: Go to, paste your address and get SOL devnet

Check your wallet balance. If the coins came, everything is ok, if not, try again with a smaller amount (the load on the coin dispenser can be high).

If the coins have arrived, we go to the game menu.

And trying to buy everything we can. At the time of writing, dev-net was lying down, so I didn’t get a chance. But hope to check it out when it’s delayed.

And then… Everything is like in normal mining, go to the game, collect resources, improve, or buy new buildings.

Recall that all this for test, that is, free coins. On release it will naturally change, but so far you can play.

That’s all for now, I wish everyone victory! Links are all in the text and below:

Telegram bot

Registration on the site (Ref Code is rqa09t7s1l)

Phantom Wallet

Get test coins

Useful links:

Projects I participate in (mostly related to mining in telegram and airdrop). There are articles about most of them in my profile.

My Telegram channel with airdrops



Ilya Ermilov

Translator, writer, system administrator, crypto-enthusiast